Tape Resist Watercolor Cards Kids of all ages can Make

This card-making activity is fun for kids of all ages to make, and it’s easy enough for preschoolers to do. The end result is a lovely handmade card that can be given to mothers, dads, grandparents, teachers, etc…


As long as your kids have had even just a little practice with watercolor paints, they can do this activity.


The idea behind tape-resist artwork, is to tape off a design (we chose to make the outline of a present and “xo”). Then you paint over the tape and the rest of the paper. When the paint is dry, gently lift off the tape (see below for tips). Your design should remain behind as white space.

Decide on the layout you want for your final card. If you want the inside and outside of the card to be painted, you will need to fold the painted paper in fourths. You can have your card open vertically or horizontally.


Once you determine the layout, tape out a design. Older kids can help with this part. We recommend using Washi tape since it lifts off the paper fairly easily. Keep the design simple so that kids can help with the tape and so the design will be clear once the tape is removed.


At this point, you can use a dark colored pencil or marker to have the child write a brief message; “Happy Mother’s Day,” “You’re the Best Teacher Ever,” etc… And have them sign their name.


  • Practice the layout and design of your card on a sheet of scrap paper (or printer paper) first.

  • If the Washi tape sticks and starts to pull at the paper, use a hair dryer to apply heat to loosen the adhesive.

  • We used mixed media paper since that’s what most people have on hand. But this would work beautifully on watercolor paper. (Both options are linked below.)

  • Use a bone folder to get a strong crease with thick paper. We recommend using one made of teflon.


  • washi tape

  • mixed media paper or watercolor paper

  • watercolor paints

  • paintbrush

  • bone folder (optional)

Be sure to save this tutorial for later.

The image below is Pinnable. Thanks!

Watercolor Cards for kids of all ages

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